Needham Letter: Warren Upright, Champion for Economic Justice (Edith and Gordon Swan)

Letter to Needham Times – Elizabeth Warren as our senator would fill us with pride and excitement; she is so capable and well qualified! Her policies would work to restore tax fairness, to end special tax breaks for hedge fund managers and subsides for Big Oil. Elizabeth stands up to Wall Street to protect consumers, to hold big banks and other financial institutions accountable and to level the playing field for consumers on mortgages, credit cards, bank fees, and student loans. She supports job bills, and streamlining regulations, so small-business owners don’t get tied up in red tape or strangled by hidden tricks and traps.

In contrast, one who thinks he can ascertain the racial heritage of a person by the color of her skin is not a viable candidate for the U.S. Senate. It is incomprehensible that Scott Brown would sneer at Elizabeth Warren’s family story and try to make it untrue. Bewildering too, is his staff’s involvement in a degrading mockery of American Indians. The Senator said he could not condone the ‘Tomahawk Chop’. The fact that he didn’t instead condemn it, is shameful.

Scott Brown’s claim to be for the ordinary person is completely fabricated. Like so many  Republicans, he favors the wealthiest having huge tax breaks, justified by the misguided and deceitful notion that these already so very prosperous will use the extra money to create jobs. However, history has shown that lowering taxes for the affluent has not increased jobs. Instead, many of these millionaires and billionaires greedily garnish for themselves more obscene profits, often by investing in off-shore (tax free!) bank accounts. Meanwhile, the income gap between the richest and the middle class continues to skyrocket. Scott Brown’s boast of being independent and bipartisan is also a sham. He blocked the Buffet Rule, voted to allow oil companies to continue to have billions of dollars in tax subsidies and to give big banks $19 billion in tax breaks. He voted against job bills and legislation for equal pay for equal work. Scott Brown continues to demean Elizabeth’s highly respected profession of scholarship and teaching, in which she is greatly esteemed by her colleagues and loved by her students.

Elizabeth Warren is upright and honest. She genuinely strives for the promotion and protection of the poor, those who need it most, and those who suffer discrimination. As our senator she will give us pride, excitement, and progress.

Edith and Gordon Swan

Read more: Needham Letter: Choose Elizabeth Warren – Needham, Massachusetts – Needham Times

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